Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Return to G'harne
Card Type: Mythos
Expansion: 08
Cities in Ruin
Traits: Ongoing - Rumor
Color: Blue
Difficulty: Hard
Icons: Spawn Clues The Heart of Africa

Card Front

Flavor Text: Somehow the cthonians had been imprisoned in G'harne. If you cannot find out how this was done, the creatures will run rampant across the world, leaving humanity in ruins.
Effect: As an encounter, an investigator on The Heart of Africa may search for the symbol that once held the cthonians at bay[1] (Observation). If he passes, he may spend Clue Clues equal to NoInvestigators to solve this Rumor.
Reckoning: Draw and resolve a Disaster unless the Lead Investigator spends Clue 1 Clue.


The original text of this card's effect's first paragraph was "As an encounter, an investigator on The Heart of Africa may search for the symbol that once held the cthonians at bay (Observation); he may spend Clues equal to NoInvestigators to solve this Rumor." This has been errata'd to prevent investigators from bypassing the Observation test.


  1. For more information about this, see the Elder Sign page on Lovecraft icon The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki.