Eldritch Horror Wiki


  • When an investigator becomes delayed, he tips his Investigator token on its side to remember that he is Delayed.
  • A Delayed investigator cannot perform any action. This is true even if he would be granted an additional action out of his turn, for example from Charlie Kane Charlie Kane's ability.[1]
  • Instead of performing actions during the Action Phase, a delayed investigator rights his Investigator token and is no longer delayed. This is true even if the investigator cannot perform actions, such as while he has a Detained or Lost in Time and Space Condition.[2]
  • If an investigator would become Delayed on his turn during the Action Phase, he immediately ends his action and loses all remaining actions instead of becoming Delayed.[3]
  • Becoming Delayed while already Delayed has no effect. An investigator cannot choose to become Delayed to pay for an effect if he is already Delayed.[3]
  • Being delayed only prevents an investigator from performing actions. Any other effects are allowed, even if they mimic the effects of actions. Being given a Charter Flight would allow the Delayed investigator to move as instructed.[4]
  • Mark Harrigan Mark Harrigan and Pocket Watch can prevent an investigator from being Delayed unless chosen.


  1. FAQ p. 4.
  2. Official answer from Nikki Valens for Delayed on BGG icon BoardGameGeek.
  3. 3.0 3.1 FAQ p. 8.
  4. Official answer from Nikki Valens for Charter Flight on BGG icon BoardGameGeek.