Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview[]

Name: Corruption
Card Type: Condition
Traits: Bane
Effect: Yes
Action: No
Reckoning: Yes
Variants: 8

Card Front[]

Effect You may gain Eldritch token 1 Eldritch token to reroll 1 die when resolving a test.

If you would gain a Boon Condition, discard this card instead.

Action N/A
Reckoning Gain Eldritch token 1 Eldritch token. Then, flip this card.

Card Back[]

Flip Title Set Flavor Text Effects
1 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

You collapse in agony as your muscles twist and reform beneath your flesh.

Lose Health 1 Health for each Eldritch token you have.

Then flip this card.

2 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

This time when you looked in the mirror, the reflection was completely unfamiliar to you. What could that alien thing be?

Lose Sanity 1 Sanity for each Eldritch token you have.

Then flip this card.

3 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

You wake coughing blood!

Resolve each effect that applies based on the number of Eldritch Tokens you have:

1+: Gain 1 Injury or Illness Condition for each Eldritch token you have.

3+: Resolve the Reckoning effect of each of your Injury and Illness Conditions treating all die rolls as 1's.

Then, flip this card.

4 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

You cannot stop screaming!

Resolve each effect that applies based on the number of Eldritch Tokens you have:

1+: Gain 1 Madness Condition for each Eldritch token you have.

3+: Resolve the Reckoning effect of each of your Madness Conditions treating all die rolls as 1's.

Then flip this card.

5 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

You seem to have aged a year in the last day, your body and soul both dimmed by some unnatural transformation.

For each Eldritch token you have, lose Health 1 Health and Sanity 1 Sanity unless you discard 1 possession.

6 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

Everywhere you go, bad things happen. A cloud of misfortune surrounds you.

Resolve each effect that applies based on the number of Eldritch token you have:

1+: Discard 1 Ally Asset.

3+: Another investigator gains 1 Bane Condition.

5+: Advance Doom Doom by 1.

Then flip this card.

7 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

The beasts and shadow beings from other worlds know where to find you.

Resolve the effect based on the number of Eldritch tokens you have:

1: Lose Sanity 1 Sanity

2-3: A Monster ambushes you!

4+: Spawn 2 Monsters on your space and become Delayed.

Then, flip this card.

8 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
' You may gain a Dark Pact Condition to discard all of your Eldritch token Eldritch tokens.

A constant fog permeates your thoughts.

Resolve each effect that applies based on the number of Eldritch tokens you have:

1+: For each Eldritch token you have, discard Clue 1 Clue, Focus 1 Focus, or Resource 1 Resource.

3+ Discard 1 Talent Condition or 1 Improvement.

5+: Gain 1 Bane Condition.

Then flip this card.


Calvin Wright Calvin Wright starts with this Condition.

Rulings, clarifications, and reminders[]

The Corruption Condition (and some other effects) cause you to gain Eldritch token Eldritch tokens which are placed on your Investigator sheet. Eldritch tokens you have gained are not discarded unless an effect specifically allows you to spend or discard them; if the Corruption Condition is discarded, the Eldritch tokens stay on your Investigator sheet.[1]

